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Self-Care: What does it look like for you and everyone else?

Published on 14/01/2021 by YWCA Canada

Hey Folks,

I hope you all are staying positive and testing negative.

My name is Marian Nur, I am a member of the non-profit world working as a campaigns officer with a sexual health rights NGO here in Ottawa on unceded surrendered Algonquin territory. The past few months have been a test to everyone with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, which has been highlighting the already existing societal disparities which harm BIPOC communities, as well as the Black lives Matter movement not just here at home, but across the world.

The need for self-care is more evident than ever, however traditional notions of self-care have been turned upside down with the need to adhere to Public Health safety regulations. In this conversation, Myself, Marine Coeurdassier, Leah Davidson, and Gurneet Dhami leaders from the YWCA’s Think Big! Lead Now! Young Women’s National Leadership had a conversation about what self-care looks like to us and how we have had to change it and adapt in order to impellent it into our lives, while still doing our work not just as professionals, but as well in our activism. This conversation I found to be so crucial and necessary as it reminds me of the need to make time for myself as I am a priority, Self-Care looks so different now and in this conversation, we discuss what it looks like while moving back home to be with our families, starting new jobs, moving our employment and volunteer work online, reconnecting and holding onto our cultural practices as well as not being afraid to be bad at something as long as you enjoy it and what it brings to your life. So relax, take a break, and come along on this conversation with us.

Click Here to listen to the conversation Self-Care: What does it look like for you and everyone else? 

Marine Coeurdassier, Leah Davidson, and Gurneet Dhami were delegates at the 2020 Think Big! Lead Now! Young Women’s National Leadership Program. To learn more, visit www.thinkbigleadnow.com or contact us at projects@ywcacanada.ca. This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada and RBC Foundation.

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