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We need race-based and socio-demographic data to inform our COVID-19 response

Published on 19/04/2020 by YWCA Canada

TORONTO – YWCA Canada joins the Alliance for Healthier Communities in calling for race-based and socio-demographic data to inform COVID-19 responses.


In the joint letter, we call on the Government of Ontario to implement a health equity approach immediately by:

  • Mandating the collection and use of socio-demographic and race-based data in health and social services now as it relates to COVID-19;
  • Ensuring diverse and racialized voices on provincial and regional decision-making tables, including bioethics and critical care tables;
  • Prioritizing PPE, testing and funding for health services that take an anti-oppressive approach and provide trusted, evidence-driven healthcare to populations facing discrimination; and
  • Including regular updates on health equity data and progress in daily COVID-19 press conferences and situation reports

For more information, please contact:

Anjum Sultana, Director of Public Policy & Strategic Communications, 647 205 3079, asultana@ywcacanada.ca


Background Materials:

Letter to Government of Ontario – April 14th 2020 – Calling for Race-Based and Socio-demographic Data


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