Anti-Gender-Based Violence Staff Network

An online community of practice committed to end gender-based violence
YWCA’s Anti-Gender-Based Violence Staff Network (previously known as Violence Against Women Staff Network) is a national, free, bilingual online community of practice where members across the country come together to share their expertise, discuss trends, network, and stay up to date on emerging issues related to supporting survivors of gender-based violence. This online space for professional development and knowledge sharing is designed for everyone working within this sector across Canada.
YWCA’s AGBV Staff Network is committed to equipping our members with the knowledge and tools necessary for them to be responsive to the distinct needs of the communities they serve. Our role is to support those who support others by providing relevant resources, capacity building and tools to produce decent work conditions and environments, all while using an anti-racist and anti-oppressive framework.
Project BEAM: Investing in GBV Workers for a Stronger Sector
In 2023, YWCA Canada was one of 10 organization to receive funding from Women and Gender Equality to Address Gender-based Violence Through Promising Practices and Community-based Research. Through this funding, YWCA Canada’s initiative, Investing in AGBV Workers for a Stronger Sector, aims to address this critical need by advancing the reach and rigour of this national, bilingual, and accessible capacity-building and support network for anti-violence (gender-based violence) service workers and evaluating its impact on increasing the quality of care.
Get Involved

Subscribe to the Anti-Gender–Based Violence Staff Network mailing list and get information about our monthly online learning sessions, relevant research for the sector, resources both for workers within the sector and survivors of gender-based violence and the ongoing work throughout the sector through our bi-weekly newsletter.
For more information, or if you have research, resources, trainings, or events you would like to share with the network, please contact projects@ywcacanada.ca
Join the YWCA Canada Anti-Gender-Based Violence (AGBV) Staff Network Centre
This online space provides a discussion board, networking opportunities, and a range of tools, resources, and research to support you in your work against gender-based violence. Connect with fellow professionals, access valuable materials, and enhance your impact.