YWCA calls on Canada to invest in women’s economic security to promote inclusive prosperity
Ottawa – November 1st, 2018 – Today, over 100 YWCA Canada staff and volunteers from across Canada will meet with Parliamentarians to discuss women’s economic security.
Women face many barriers in the workplace such as lack of affordable childcare. Due to sexism, harassment, and the gender wage gap, they are also at risk for economic insecurity. Though Canadian women make up only 47% of the labour force, they make up 76% of all part-time workers. More than 45% of employed Canadian women work in low-paying precarious occupations.
That’s why the YWCA calls on the Government of Canada for sustained core funding to scale up YWCA’s employment and training programs across the country.
Through skills development and wrap-around supports, diverse women – including immigrant, newcomer, racialized and Indigenous women, will be able to get the training they need to access employment in emerging sectors and in the jobs of the future.
“Gender equity is good for the economy, the GDP and our communities. There is an economic imperative to invest in gender equity – it makes Canada economically competitive on the world stage,” says Maya Roy, CEO of YWCA Canada. “When we invest in women’s economic security, we are ensuring that women, their families and communities are able to prosper and reach their full potential for years to come.”
Improving women’s economic security will improve Canada’s financial future:
- McKinsey Global Institute reports that women’s economic equality can add $150 billion dollars to Canada’s GDP by 2026
- The World Bank reports that if discrimination against women workers and managers was eliminated, productivity per worker would increase by 25-40%.
- The International Labour Organization notes that increasing women’s leadership on boards strengthens financial performance, improves corporate governance and enhances consumer insights
For more information contact Anjum Sultana, Manager of Policy & Strategic Communications, YWCA Canada at 416-962-8881 x 224 or 416 275 0443.
About YWCA Canada YWCA Canada is the country’s oldest and largest women’s multi-service organization. YWCA works in 300 communities across Canada to serve women and girls in nine provinces and two territories. YWCA Canada is the nation’s single largest provider of shelter to women and children fleeing violence. For more information visit www.ywcacanada.ca, find us on Twitter @YWCA_Canada or at www.facebook.com/ywcacanada.